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We participate in Amazon Seller Central and the Amazon Associate program.

At Prism Pak, we are continuously expanding our product lines as well as ways that you can shop with us. We sell some of our product lines on Amazon and we also share other Amazon products that we think you may be interested for your business. Note, that as an Amazon Seller and an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. We will be sharing our favorite Amazon products in a new section on our site that's coming soon.

A popular product that we offer on Amazon is our Prism Pak lip and tape bags. Our sealable lip and tape polypropylene bags deliver amazing clarity, have high barrier properties, no corrosive materials and a peel off strip that is resealable. Available in 10 sizes, they can be use for baked goods, cards, stationery, envelopes, treasured photos, DVDs, CDs, artwork, clothing and beyond. Learn more about our lip and tape bags here.